Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Musings

The Christmas Season, as we celebrate it in our day, has come and gone for another year.  It is a season of joyous gratitude for the birth, the life, and the Atonement of our Savior, all to often dulled by an extravagance of material pleasures and pursuits or perhaps by feelings of inadequacy or apology as we fail to measure up to the standard imposed by a material world which only very vaguely comprehends the meaning of the season.

Today, as I was reading in the works of Neal A. Maxwell, I came across these words which caused me to reflect a little more deeply on the role of the Savior in our lives and the responsibility each of us has to be a beacon of light to those around us, both to illuminate and also to warn.
"The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the Babe  has given at least equal attention to placement of each of us in precise human orbits, so that we may, if we will,  illuminate the landscape of our individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others but warn them as well."
By Bart

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I recently obtained a fan chart of our family ancestors going back nine generations.  This includes grandparents on both Dad's and Mom's side of the family.  It is not totally complete, but it does include a surprising number of our ancestral grandparents.  I was so excited to get it that I had a large poster made of it.  I have since discovered a way to get copies of this chart at somewhat less than I paid for it, so if any of you would like one, it might pay to let me help you rather than do it the conventional way at Staples or Fedex/Kinko's.

You will have to click on the chart to enlarge it enough so that you can read the names and dates.  I found this to be very interesting and motivates me all the more to research and do temple work for as many of our ancestors, including grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc as I can.  I hope some of you find this interesting and worthwhile as well.

You may have to copy this picture file of the chart into another application on your computer to enlarge it enough so that you can read it well on your computer depending somewhat upon the size of your monitor.

I'm sorry if this can't be easily viewed in this format.  I had to change the file from a pdf file to a jpg file in order to insert it in to this blog post.  It actually works much better as a pdf file so if anyone is interested in this let me know and I can send you the original pdf file which will be more usable, I think.

By Bart

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Early Education in the Bear Lake Valley

Education has played a big role in the lives of the Darrell and Edna Eborn family.  My earliest memories of school include stories of Dad's and Mom's elementary school days.  They attended separate elementary schools about three miles apart.  They were both multi-class two room schools.  Mother, of course, went to the Liberty School and Dad went to the Lanark School.  These schools did what most schools did then.  They concentrated on the three R's, Reading, Riting, a Rithmatic.  I'm sure by this time there was also some attention paid to other subjects such as history, geography, grammar and even spelling.

I remember Mom telling of how much she loved school.  She was one of the best students in the school and won a spelling bee, as I remember it, as the best, speller in the school.  She learned to read and write, but not just to do it, but to love it.  I remember her reading often when we were growing up.
Dad also, learned these same basic educational skills.  I don't remember much about Dad's experience in school from his stories, except he sometimes told about how cruel the school master was and I do remember him telling me that he had worked as a young boy before school for Uncle Leo Passey milking cows etc.  His pay for this task was his school lunch, a fried egg slapped between two slices of dry bread.  He said it was the same every day.  I also remember him telling of how difficult it was to have even the most necessary school supplies, like pencils and paper and how he sometimes felt embarrassed that he didn't have what he needed.  I also remember both Dad and Mom telling of how the schools were heated with a wood burning potbellied stove in the corner of the room.  The wood was supplied by people in the community who had children attending the school.  I can easily imagine how difficult a task this was in those days, before chain saws and trucks etc.  No wonder they sometimes complained about the temperature inside the classrooms.  For recess, there was no gymnasium, so it was bundle up and out into the cold to play in the snow or suck on an icicle.  That may seem strange, but remember there was no running water at the school and no restroom facilities except for the outhouse located behind the schools.  These conditions were certainly not ideal, but they learned to read, and to love reading.  They learned to write and I for one am very grateful because it meant I got letters and encouragement from home when I was on my mission for two and a half  years in Germany.  My mother wrote to me twice almost every week of my mission.  Not only that, since our mission president told us that we were in Germany to work and spread the gospel message we should not keep a daily journal.  He said we didn't have time to do that.  As a result my mother meticulously hand copied most of my letter home into a "Missionary Journal" which I prize all the more highly today because of the love and the effort put forth by my mother during those months and years.  She also in her later years wrote a personal history and helped Dad in doing the same.  In later years Mom's eyesight began to fail.  She got glasses which helped, but as funds were generally limited she didn't go in and get frequent checkups and new glasses.  As a result it became increasingly difficult for her to read.  In her later years she came to live with us for a while after Dad died.  She would often say how she wished she could read more.  One day Iris loaded her up and took her to the eye doctor.  He said she had cataracts and that they could be removed, so Iris took her to the doctor in Pocatello.  He  removed the cataracts and prescribed a new set of glasses for her.  From that day forward she could see much better and she kept us busy selecting books for her at the County Library in Montpelier.  She would read a four or five hundred page book every week.  She enjoyed it and was so happy to be able to do this.  Another thing that astounded me about Mother was her memory.  As a youth in school in Liberty she learned to memorize, not just the times tables, but lengthy poems etc. which she could still quote verbatim almost until the day she died.  She had an amazing memory.  She had thirty-eight grand kids and could tell you all of their birthdays and how much most of them weighed at birth along with myriad other things that just astounded me.

Dad too learned to enjoy reading.  He didn't receive much formal education, but he did learn a love of reading.  He especially read a lot of Church books.  I remember him sitting or laying down with a book in his hand many times after lunch and before going back out into the field to work.  He actually became a gospel scholar of sorts and his thoughts and ideas were freely shared and respected in Sunday School class each week.

Below is an article I found about the Fielding Academy, one of the first secondary schools in the West.  It was located on the hill to the west in Paris, Idaho.  This school had burned down just before Mom and Dad were to enter High School.  I hope you find this as interesting as I did.  It certainly puts things in perspective when we feel inclined to complain about the schools of the more modern age.

Fielding High School, where all of Darrell and Edna Eborn's children attended and graduated from high school.  This picture is from 1954.  Ellis graduated in 1955, just to put things in perspective.

Fielding Academy

This article was written before the Academy was destroyed by fire September 17, 1928. Author and date of writing unknown but with the dates in the article is believed to have been written during or shortly after the 1901-1902 year.

Paris, Idaho
An Educational Institution of the
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints with High School, Normal, Missionary and
business Courses of Study.



First Semester.

September 22. Entrance Examinations, Registration of Students.
September 23. Instruction begins.
November 17. Winter course begins.
November 27-28. Thanksgiving Recess.
December 19 to January 5. Christmas Vacation.
January 30. First Semester closes.
February 2. Instruction begins.
April 3. Winter Course closes.
_____. Arbor Day.
May 28. Decoration Day.
June 3. Class Day Exercises.
June 4. Commencement.
June 5. Field Day.

Board of Education

Wm Budge, President.
J U Stucki, Secretary.
J R Shepherd, Treasurer.
James H Hart.
Wm L Rich.
Robert Price.
H S Humpherys.
Walter Hoge.
James Nye.
J A Sutton, Jr.
Geo Perrett.
Heber Keetch.
Prof. R T Haag.

Executive Committee

Robt. Price.
J.R. Shepherd.
J.U. Stucki.

General Church Board of Education

Joseph F. Smith, Chairman.

Willard Young,
Anthon H. Lund,
James Sharp,
John Nicholson,
George H Brimhall,
Rudger Clawson,
Joseph M Tanner,
John R Winder,
Arthur Winter, Secretary

The Faculty

Richard T Haag,
Theology, Normal work and German

Walter H Durrant,
Secretary and Librarian.

English and Algebra

Daniel T. Thomander,
Business Branches.

Blanche Cooper, B.S.,
Lady Superintendent
Geometry and Botany

A Teresa Porter,
Preparatory Work.
Physiography and Physiology.

Special Instructors

Lizzie Hoge,Stenography and Typewriting

Joseph R. Shepherd,Musical Director

Adelina H. Spencer,Piano and Organ

Dr. J M Tanner, Gen. Supt. of Church Schools.
President William Budge,
Joseph R. Shepherd,
Brigham H. Roberts,
Alfred Budge,
Susa Young Gates,
Prof. John A. Widtsoe,
Prof. John T. Miller
 In the fall of 1887 the authorities of the Bear Lake Stake of Zion, recognizing the importance of higher education combined with religious training, decided to establish a Church school after the pattern of the mother institution at Provo, Utah.

During the period 1887-1901 this school, which was known as the “Bear Lake Stake Academy,” passed through various vicissitudes. It had no permanent home, its financial resources were inadequate, and many changes occurred in its faculty, all of which were unfavorable to its growth and development. At first the school was conducted in the large hall of the County Court House in Paris, afterward an upper story in one of the business houses was secured, still later the Second Ward Meeting House was used, and finally an old furniture building on Main Street was fitted out for its temporary accommodation. Not until the last season did it emerge from these humble circumstances to occupy the commodious quarters of its present home.

Prof. Gottfried L G Hessell acted as the first principal during the winter of ’87 and ’88. He taught, however, only one year, when he died and was succeeded by Stake Counselor, George Osmond, (later President of the Star Valley Stake) who likewise taught only one winter. Both of these brethren were assisted by Elder Oliver C. Dunford, who took a prominent part in the establishment of the school. Following Principal Osmond, John H. Miles, Jacob Spori, Emil Maeser, W W Billings, Albert Matheson and W H Griffin consecutively held the principalship, Professor Miles, who served for four years, being the longest in office.

The school year of 1901-02 marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the institution. The new Academy building, the corner stone of which was laid in June, 1896, had advanced sufficiently in its course of construction so that school could be held in the rooms of the first floor. Professor Richard T. Haag, recently returned from a mission to Germany, and formerly a member of the Latter-day Saints College and of the Weber Stake Academy faculties, was engaged as principal, and commenced on October 14th. During the progress of the school it was decided to extend its district beyond the borders of the Bear Lake Stake, and a change of name therefore became necessary. Accordingly, on March 26th, with the approval of the General Board of Education, the name “Fielding Academy” was chosen in honor of President Joseph Fielding Smith. Impressive Commencement Exercises, held in the Stake Tabernacle on April 15th, when twenty-eight students were graduated from the grammar department, brought this successful year to a close.

General Aim

With the present school year the Academy enters upon a well defined mission. The uniformity of the courses of instruction now established in all the high schools of the Latter-day Saints, lends a clearness of expression and an impetus of strength to this important work of education as never before. Having an earnest desire to be in complete harmony with our sister institutions of the grand Church School system, we feel that we, as a part of this system, are starting out with them upon a glorious, ever progressive march of success.

What work is undertaken by this institution shall be done as thoroughly as is possible under present conditions. It shall be our pride to furnish material from our class rooms, well prepared to enter still higher courses of learning. Our aim is to fit the young people attending here for practical life, and to promote their complete development, morally, intellectually and physically. Above all we shall strive to realize for the Fielding Academy the fulfillment of the words expressed by our worthy General superintendent: “The schools of the Church are growing dearer and dearer, and nearer and nearer, to the Saints everywhere; and out of them, there are daily marching the standard bearers of God’s revelation of truth to man.”


Paris is ten miles distant from the railroad, but has excellent stage and mail service, and is connected by telephone with all the principal cities and towns.

The healthfulness of climate; the absence of those contaminating influences that curse and defile many of the youth in the large cities; the grand old mountains that afford such unusual facilities for the naturalist to study nature in her mighty fastnesses, – all these advantages make this a most desirable location for such an institution of learning. The location of the Academy is an ideal one. Situated on an eminence immediately adjacent to the thriving city of Paris, and overlooking the broad valley and the beautiful lake beyond, it presents a picturesque and inspiring view from every side.

As a healthful, safe and quiet home for students, Paris, the county seat of Bear Lake County, is unexcelled. The good order and the progressive spirit which characterize this city are widely known. Saloons, gambling-houses and other similar adjuncts of modern civilization that flourish in nearly all cities of its size, have no abiding place here.

Building and Grounds.

It is a source of gratification to know that after being so many years without a home the institution is at last blessed with such beautiful and commodious quarters.

The Academy building, on the lower floor of which school was conducted last season, will be entirely completed and furnished by the beginning of school in September. The main building is fifty-two feet front by sixty-four feet deep, surmounted by a tower seventy-five feet high. The first floor of this building will be used for a gymnasium. On the second story are located the President’s office, the Library, teachers’ room, ladies’ toilet and the grand entrance, with stairway leading to the lecture hall or general assembly room. This hall, which is twenty feet high, occupies all of the third story and will seat three hundred students.

The south wing only, has been constructed and is sixty-three feet front by forty-three feet wide, three stories in height. In each story are three class rooms thirty-two by twenty feet with a corridor eight feet wide, running through the west side of the building. The rooms are well lighted and ventilated and will be heated with hot air, by the most approved system.

The Academy grounds comprise six acres, there being sufficient room for a suitable campus, out-door sport, games and military drill.

Entrance Requirements.

The Academy admits into its courses students of both sexes provided that they are prepared by previous work to Applicants who cannot present credentials from accredited schools, will be required to take entrance examination. If it is found that a student is deficient in not more than two studies, he may be received in his class conditionally until the deficiency is made up.

Special arrangements will be made in the case of students who are above district school age but have not completed the district school work corresponding to the sixth grade.

To enter the Business Course or the High School and Normal course a student must have completed work equivalent to the eighth grade unless he can give evidence of sufficient development to be able to pursue advantageously the studies of this course.

Students who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will not be required to pursue the studies in theology, but should they desire to be excused from these studies, formal application must be made to the Faculty.


Every student on entrance is placed on his word of honor. Strict gentlemanly and ladylike conduct and earnest devotion to duty is expected in every case.

The following regulations are suggested in the spirit of deepest interest and kindliest feeling toward the students, who are subject to these rules both in and out of school.

1. The use of tobacco and strong drink, also profane or obscene language, is strictly prohibited.

2. Students are urged against the attendance of any parties not under the control of the Academy. The faculty will not be responsible for the progress of students who disregard this admonition.

3. It is required of all students to be punctual and regular in attendance. Absence for three consecutive days from school or from a class, without excuse, will be reported to parents or guardians.

4. No student can honorably discontinue attendance, without first reporting to the Principal and obtaining final specifications of standing.

5. Examinations are held monthly and reports of deportment and class standing will be sent to parents or guardians for signature.

6. Students violating any rules of the Academy relating to personal conduct, lay themselves liable to suspension or expulsion from school.

Domestic Organization.

Since the students are subject to the rules and regulations of the Academy both in and out of school, provision is made in all Church schools to see that the rules affecting students when outside of school are carried out in the spirit thereof. This work, as also the mission of introducing the spirit of the teaching of the Academy into every student’s home, devolves upon what is known as the Domestic Organization.

At each of the boarding houses, one of the students is appointed senior, whose duty it is to see that everything pertaining to the students of that boarding house is in order and to report any disorder to the presiding officer of the organization. To effect this, Paris is divided into four districts, corresponding to the municipal wards.

Special teachers, appointed from among students, make bi-weekly visits for the purpose of aiding the seniors in their work. Semi-monthly meetings are held in which reports of these visits are received and instructions are given relative to domestic duties. In this connection the Academy aims to impress upon the students the importance of a practical application of religious principles, to influence them to form regular habits, to keep proper hours, and to avoid loafing, improper associates, and even the appearance of evil.

Entrance Fees and Expenses.

In all courses, except the Missionary and Winter courses, an entrance fee of $12.50 is charged. 
Students attending the Winter Course are charged $10.00 upon entrance.
In the Commercial Course a charge of $25.00 is made in addition to the entrance fee.

For special business studies, charges are made as follows:
Typewriting, $10.00 per Semester.
Phonography, $10.00 per Semester.
Typewriting and Phonography, $15.00 per Semester.
Book-keeping, $12.00 per Semester.
Band and Orchestral Music for others than regular students $2.00 for the school year.
Piano and Organ:
Weekly lessons for full term (40 weeks), $10.00.
Weekly lessons for half term (20 weeks), $5.00.

Graduation Certificates.
From the Preparatory Course, $1.00
High School Certificates, $1.50
Special Certificates, $2.00
From Commercial Course, $3.00

Board and Rooms.
The cost of living in Paris is much lower than in large cities. Good rooms and board in private houses can be obtained at from $2.00 to $3.50 per week. By renting rooms and boarding themselves, students are able to reduce their expenses to $1.50 to $2.00 per week for room and board. Rooms can be rented at from $1.00 to $2.00 per month.
A list of places suitable for students to stay at while attending school may be had by applying to J U Stucki, secretary of the Board, or Prof. Richard T. Haag, Principal. Students will be expected to consult the Principal before locating in any other place than those recommended by the Board.

Societies and Class Organizations.
To aid students in acquiring a practical knowledge of parliamentary procedure, speech-making and debating, also to acquaint them with social, scientific and political questions of today, various societies are organized, the most important of which is the “Students’ Society,” which has bi-weekly sessions in the Academy Assembly Hall. Each class also has an organization, in which meetings are held at regular intervals. In these societies profitable recreation from the daily routine of class recitation is afforded the students, who take a leading part in these organizations and are responsible for the conduct of the meetings.
The best available talent of the Church and of the State will be engaged, and the special lecturers, whose names appear on page 6 of this circular, will address the students.
Special societies or classes will be organized to awaken an interest in manual and domestic training, preparatory to the introduction of courses along these lines in the Academy. Members of these societies will take up suitable subjects not only for theoretical study, oral and written discussion, but practical results will be sought for from the first. It will be the purpose of these societies to exalt and dignify handiwork, and the efforts of the students in this direction will receive due recognition in all the departments of the school. From the boys some specimen in elementary woodwork and carpentry or in mechanical and architectural drawing, from the girls some article in sewing, dressmaking or needle work will be expected.

The Library.
During the past school year the Library was increased by purchase and donation to more than double its former size, and it is the design further to enlarge it by adding each year the most recent books treating on the various subjects taught in the institution. In addition to the large number of valuable books and pamphlets dealing with theology, ethics, history, pedagogy, biography, economics, literature, art and the sciences, all the important local papers and periodicals, besides many current magazines from various parts of the United States, come regularly to the school where they are arranged on the reading stands within convenient access of the students.
The Library contains the best unabridged dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other standard works of reference, all of which, under prescribed regulations, are at the disposal of the students during each school day. In the classifying and indexing of the Library the Dewey Decimal System is employed.

The Museum.
A considerable number of valuable contributions have recently been made to the Academy Museum, and steps are being taken further to equip this important adjunct to scientific study-work. The mineralogical, botanical, anatomical and alcoholic specimens are used in connection with regular class work, to illustrate the various subjects taken up in physiographic, botany, physiology, zoology, etc.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

James William Eborn

The picture above is of our Great Grandfather, James William Eborn.  He was born at Clarendon, London, England December 27, 1847.  He was a twin and his twin bother was given the name of John Thomas Eborn.  They were christened at the St. Sepulchre Church in London on September 3rd 1848.  These twin boys were the first of sixteen children that would be born to James Eborn and his wife, Mary Ann Phipp, nine of which died in infancy or early childhood.  Two of their children, a girl named Mary Ann Elizabeth and a boy named Frederick Henry died within five days of each other in October of 1855.  This would be an all too common event in their lives as they struggled to raise their family in London, England during the middle of the 19th Century.  Life was hard and death called frequently, not just in the Eborn family, but in the families of hundreds and thousands of London residents of the time.  London was a big industrial city, not blessed with the sanitary facilities, comforts and conveniences  that would come many years later.  It is not too difficult to imagine the heart ache and sorrow that would accompany the raising of a large family under these trying circumstances.  How difficult it must have been to bury nine children in such a short span of time.
Little is know about James William, son of James Eborn,  until he married Agnes Laura Phipp at St. Luke, Chelsea, London, England on November 4, 1879.  He was twenty-two years old at the time and certainly had hopes of a long and happy life with his sweetheart.  The only records I know of the family are the births of three children,  Agnes Maud 2 April 1881,  Emily Edith 13 October, 1882, and our grandfather, Arthur Phipp, who was born September 10, 1886.  All three of these children were born in London, England.
Some time about 1889 or 1890, with encouragement from Agnes Laura's sister, Emily Mary, who had converted earlier to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and emigrated from England to America and had settled with her husband, William Nathaniel Budge Shepherd in Paris, Idaho, U.S.A., James William and Agnes Laura Phipp Eborn and their three young children left London for the United States.  They first settled in Ogden, Utah.  Ogden and Utah at the time were predominately Mormon.  James William and Agnes Laura had not joined the LDS Church, but had come to America and Utah partly to escape the unpleasant way of life they, and others were experiencing in England.  At this same time many thousands of people were emigrating from England and other European countries for what they hoped would be a land of opportunity and freedom in America.  It is uncertain whether they ever got to see Emily Mary and her family of Paris, Idaho.  It is probably doubtful that his meeting ever happened, as Agnes Laura died as a result of a tragic fire at their small frame home in Ogden on the 11th of July, 1892.

James William found himself alone in a strange new world with no one to help him in rearing his three small children.  He didn't have work and was unable to provide for the children.  This weighed very heavily on his mind and eventually he came to the conclusion that for the children's sake it may be better if they were put into foster homes.  Eventually, Agnes Maud was placed in a home in Colorado or Kansas.  She eventually married a man by the name of Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich  Volberding and had a family which they raised mostly in Colorado.  She is buried at Akron, Washington County, Colorado.  There was very limited contact with her or her family with the other children over the years, but they never totally lost touch. I remember one summer at a reunion of the Eborn Family at the city park in Paris a car pulled up and a strange couple got out and came over to where the family was gathered.  They introduced themselves as members of the Volberding branch of the family and were gladly received.  Emily Edith was placed with an LDS family and was baptized into the Church in September of 1893.  She never married and eventually ended up in Los Angles, California, where she died on the 18th of January, 1979.  I do remember seeing her once when I was a child when she came to Paris to visit her bother, our Grandpa Arthur.  She was a lovely lady.  I also have a picture of her as a child.  These pictures don't tell the entire story, but they do give us a basis for thought.

Arthur Phipp Eborn, our Grandfather, ended up in Paris, Idaho.  I am sure it was at the request of his aunt Emily Mary Phipp Shepherd.  During his youth he stayed and worked for several area farmers and ended up in Lanark, where as a youth of eighteen he met, Nina Louise Passey, with whom he later married  and raised a family of twelve children.

James William had essentially given his family away.  I find it rather paradoxical, that in so doing he was actually taking a step that would unite them in the eternities.  Sometimes we have to be willing to give it all away and trust in the Lord.  Grandpa Arthur in writing his personal history was rather critical of him and perhaps blamed him for some of the hard times he had experienced as a youth.  I find it interesting, however, that James William came to the Bear Lake Valley, where his only son lived.  They didn't have a lot to do with each other, but I can imagine that he felt some sense of comfort and consolation just to be near his only son.  He eventually lived in a small home in Ovid, by himself where he earned a living doing odd jobs for friends and neighbors.  Occasionally he would see his son, Arthur.  on February 6, 1933 he died  and was buried in the Ovid Cemetery which overlooked Lanark. In later years I became acquainted with Marie Nielsen Bridges.  She had been raised in Ovid and recalled vividly our great grandfather, James William Eborn.  She reported that he was a quiet man, a little peculiar, but nice to all he met.  He had worked on occasion for her father as he did for others around Ovid, helping them with odd jobs and work on their farms.  As I think of our Great Grandfather and the circumstances of his life, I see an unseen hand guiding the affairs of the family.  It took courage to leave his home and family in London and come to America.  Here he did not find the land of opportunity he had perhaps dreamed of, but his children and their children and their children's children did.  They also found the true gospel of Jesus Christ which has blessed their lives so immensely, and also through missionary effort and example of family members has touched the lives of untold numbers of others as well.  These family members have carried on a great work in search for their dead and seeing to it that the blessings of the gospel are available to even those of the Eborn family who have passed to the other side of the veil with out the benefit of its sealing and saving ordinances. I personally feel a debt of gratitude to our Great Grandfather, James William Eborn, and his good wife, our Great Grandmother, Agnes Phipp Eborn, but for whose sacrifice and love our lives would have been vastly different.  I look forward in anticipation to the day we meet on the other side of the veil.

Marker at the Grave of our Great Grandfather, James William Eborn, located at the Ovid Cemetery.

Sign in Ovid directing visitors to the Ovid Cemetery where our Great Grandfather is buried.  It is a lovely and peaceful spot overlooking Lanark and the Bear Lake Valley to the south.

I wish I had more information and would be thrilled to add anything to this post that others may know or think would be helpful.

by Bart

Friday, October 21, 2011

Golden Wedding Anniversary of Arthur Phipp Eborn and Nina Louise Passey

The date was September 5th 1955.   Many years have now passed and much in the world has changed, but I can still remember the family get-together at the Emerson School to celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of our grandparents Arthur Phipp Eborn and Nina Louise Passey Eborn.  It is interesting to note the size of the family and try to put names with the faces.  I can name a lot of them but not all.  It would be great to see a reunion of the entire posterity of these good people to whom we owe so much.  See how many of the faces you can recognize and identify. I'm sure we would not fit on the stage of most any auditorium let alone a small dual purpose gymnasium.  The Emerson School was just across the street from where Grandma and Grandpa lived in Paris, Idaho.  The school is now gone but the old family home is still standing, having been remodeled and added on to several years ago.

Arthur Phipp Eborn and Nina Louise Passey Eborn on their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Fifty Years earlier on their wedding day.  They were married September 20, 1905, in Lanark, Bear Lake County, Idaho.  They were sealed for time and eternity  in the Logan Utah LDS Temple on October 14, 1908.  At the time they had two children, Harlan and Willard.  Grandpa Arthur had just turned 19 ten days before, and Grandma Nina was eighteen at the time of their wedding.

By Bart

Monday, October 17, 2011

Agnes Laura Phipp Eborn

     Not a lot is known about our great grandmother, Agnes Laura Phipp.   She was born February 27, 1852 in  Ware, Hertfordshire, England.  She was the third child of William Phipp and Emma Thorogood.  There were ten children in the family, three boys and seven girls.  At her birth she had an older bother and an older sister. Five more sisters and two more brothers subsequently were added to the family.  Her older brother died when she was just two years old. Her younger sister, Emily Mary Phipp, married William Nathanial Budge Shepherd in Paris, Idaho on the 22nd of December in 1877.  She had been converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in December of 1876 and had made it somehow to the Bear Lake Valley in Idaho where she married the man who had converted her to the Church the previous year.  About 1890 with the encouragement of her sister, Emily Mary, now living in Paris, Idaho, Agnes Laura emigrated with her husband James William Eborn and their three young children to the United States.  Little is known of their journey but we can assume that they crossed the ocean from England on a steamship and came to Utah by train where they settled temporarily, it was hoped, in Ogden, Utah.  They didn't know anyone there and according to information handed down by Grandpa Arthur Eborn, they found the adjustment to life in America/Utah rather difficult.  Undoubtedly one of the problems when they settled in Utah was that they were not members of the Church and didn't seem to fit in very well.  The couple had three children at the time, Agnes Maud, who was about ten years old, Emily Edith about age eight and Arthur Phipp, who was a child of about four or five.  It is not known when  or if they first made contact with Emily Mary who had now been in America about thirteen years and was living with her family in Paris, Idaho.  We do know that they were eventually able to find a small frame home in which to live.  It was modest and very humble even by the standards of their day, but we can assume they were happy to have a roof over their head.  Life was hard in those days in the towns of the Rocky Mountains.  James William did not have a specific trade and found it hard to find work to support his family, and they felt somewhat out of place in their new environment and community.  Life at this time was even more difficult in England.  Many people had left their home in the English countryside and moved to the larger cities/ London for manufacturing jobs.  This was during of the so-called Industrial Revolution which came early on to England and affected the English way of life dramatically both for the good and for the bad.  There was employment, but the wages were meager and the living conditions were often very bad.  Infant mortality was high in England at this time and many children died while still in infancy or as young children.  The Phipp family was no stranger to these sad events in their lives.  Nonetheless, I can imagine that Agnes Laura missed her family terribly as she was so far away for them and all the familiar faces and places she had know in England.  It can also be assumed that they had left England full of hope for a better life in America, which was considered a land of opportunity.  Except for Emily Mary and Agnes Laura none of the rest of the family ever made it to the United States, nor did they ever return to England, so it was pretty much a complete separation from family when they came to America. 
     In the summer of 1892.  Agnes Laura was  doing the family laundry.  She was heating the water for the wash and was dressed in a full skirt as was the custom of the time.  In the process of checking the water heating on the wood burning stove she apparently got to close to the stove.  Her dress touched the stove and burst into flames.  She ran  screaming  from the small wood frame house and rolled on the ground in attempt to put the fire out, but her efforts were in vain and she died of the burns she sustained in this horrific accident.  This was on July 11, 1892.  She was buried the next day in the Ogden Cemetery in Utah.  This incident changed the lives of  not only her immediate family, her husband and children, but also generations to come.  Her husband and the father of her three children basically fell apart in this strange land where he had difficulty finding work and felt he simply couldn't cope with all of the problems of life that had been thrust upon him.  Eventually he ended up letting his three children go to various foster homes.  This must have been very difficult for him to do, and yet he felt it was for their best good.  The children were separated and had little to do with one another from that time forward, though they did stay in touch from time to time.  What happened after this is the subject for another post.  I will try to add to this as I can and as I remember it being told to me when I was young.

This is the only photo I know of  that exists of Agnes Laura Phipp Eborn, our great grandmother.

We should all be grateful for our heritage and give thanks for the sacrifices our ancestors were willing to make.  I firmly believe that the day will come when we will see this good woman again, and pray that we will all be a cause for her to rejoice and know that all of her sacrifices were worth the terrible price she paid for us.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Huckleberry Time

"Now many of those I loved and did not understand in my youth are dead. But I still reach out to them. Of course, now I’m too old to be much of a hiker. And now I usually go into the mountians alone, even though some friends think I shouldn’t. But when I am alone in the half-light of the canyon, all existence seems to fade to a being of my soul and memories, and the sounds of the wind in the pines and the call of distant birds. Eventually, all things merge into one, and a mountain is in it. The Mountain was left by the world’s great flood, and shelters bushes from the basement of time. On some of the bushes are timeless huckleberries. On some the berries are the words, and some of the words are theirs."
"I am haunted by huckleberries."

Pardon the River Runs Though It musings, but as I was in Emigration Canyon as evening approached one night this past week picking huckleberries I was reminded of the now famous lines at the end of the novel by Norman MacLean and couldn't help but reflect on the good times and the memories I had in days gone by with my parents and family picking huckleberries in the mountains. The berries were wonderful, but the memories of those days linger much longer and I cherish the times and the stories told of picking huckleberries in the mountains.

My brother, Reed, called the other morning and said: "Let's go pick huckleberries." My reply was: "I'll pick you up in an hour." We went together on Thursday and then again on Saturday. Each time we got at least two gallons each. That isn't bad for a couple of oldies with arthritic hands etc. At least for me. We enjoyed our time together and especially the chance to have some good discussions about the things that matter most in our lives.

Here we are after about eight hours on the mountain with the fruit of our labors.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ironman Jared

I always knew Jared was a finisher, but it never entered my head that he'd try something like this,  The Vineman Triathlon in Santa Rosa, California.  He did this last Saturday, July 30, 2011. A full Iron Man triathlon.  If you don't know, that is a 2.4 mile swim for starters, then a 112 mile bike ride, and then a full marathon run of 26.2 miles to top off the day.  These are the official results posted on the World Wide Web for anyone interested in it.  Personally, I think it is a huge accomplishment.  And remember, he's not twenty-one years old any more.  In fact he's exactly twice that.  Pretty impressive.
Now, we'll hope he makes it home safely.

This is a wikipedia entry about the Ironman for anyone who wants to know.

An Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bike and a marathon (26.2 miles 42.195 km) run, raced in that order and without a break. Most Ironman events have a strict time limit of 17 hours to complete the race, where the Ironman race starts at 7 AM, the mandatory swim cut off for the 2.4 mile swim is 2 hours 20 minutes, the bike cut off time is 5:30 PM, and all finishers must complete their marathon by midnight.
The name "Ironman Triathlon" refers to both the original Ironman triathlon and the annual Ironman World Championship. Also called Ironman Hawaii, the world championships of the event, held annually in Hawaii since 1978 (with an additional race in 1982), are now preceded by a series of qualifying events. Ironman Triathlon became known for its grueling length, harsh race conditions, and television coverage.

Vineman Triathlon


July 30, 2011 in Santa Rosa, CA

Number of Finishers:821
Number of Females:216
Number of Males:585
Average Time:13:13:46

Jared Eborn
bib number: 468
age: 42
gender: M
location: Murray, UT
division place: 54 out of 119
gender place: 304 out of 574
time: 13:07:57
pace: 0:
swim: 1:08:22
t1: 6:27
bike: 6:01:36
t2: 9:33
run13mi: 1:49:52
run: 5:41:59

by Bart

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Part of our Heritage, The Paris Tabernacle

A Part of our Heritage, The Paris Tabernacle

As we were driving through Paris, Idaho yesterday I couldn't resist stopping and taking a couple of quick pictures. The Paris Tabernacle has always had a special place in my heart. I remember Dad telling me that it was there after a conference that he first saw Mom. They were both fourteen years old. He said that from that moment on he knew that she was the girl he would one day want to marry. I also remember the Stake Conference meetings we attended there as I was growing up. I remember listening to some of the Apostles and even President David O. McKay in that building. I remember my Seminary graduation and that we had a special speaker, A. Theodore Tuttle, who came to our little graduation ceremony (there were only about thirty of us in that graduating class) and addressed us. He went on to be one of the leaders of the Church and a General Authority for many years. It was there that I graduated from Fielding High School in 1958. I remember going to special patriotic programs that were held in the Tabernacle each year in celebration of Independence Day on the Fourth of July. I remember being involved in special dramatic production when I was the Stake Young Men's President in the Paris Idaho Stake. It was called RX, Take Thou the Following. I'm not sure where that title came from, but it had a special spiritual meaning and turned out to be a great success. Iris and I even attended an Original Opera written by one of the Call brothers from Star Valley that had its premier performance in the Paris Tabernacle. Of course, an improvised stage was created for these productions. I'm sure it was not world class, but it was a definite treat for Bear Lakers and others who filled the Tabernacle. I'm sure many of the rest of our family have special memories of this place in their lives as well.

The exterior of the building ins imposing in its own right but the interior is a genuine work of art as you can see in the photo below.
Much of the lumber for the construction of this building came from my Grandfather Price's mills in Paris. You can still see some of the remains of one of the mills at the mouth of Paris Canyon. He also owned a shingle mill, and I'm sure the meticulously cut four inch shingles were a product of his mill. Each time I enter this building I am awestruck by the workmanship of these hardy pioneers of the Bear Lake Valley. Others of our pioneer Bear Lake ancestors undoubtedly spent many, many hours helping to complete this building which was finished in dedicated by President Wilfred Woodruff in September of 1889. During the construction of this building which was built entirely by donated labor and money, many of the saints in the area were still living in humble cabins, some of which still had dirt floors. It is a testament to the faith they had in God and their religion, and in their desire to worship and honor Him. I am glad to have descended from such pioneer stock.
Above is a tea pot and creamer that was owned by our grandfather, Arthur Eborn. He inherited it from his own grandparents according to the card in a display case located in the foyer of the Tabernacle along with relics from other pioneer families of the area.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Deer Hunting Recollections

My favorite part of the harvest was the deer hunt. As a teen-ager I looked forward to it more than Christmas or anything else. I got my first hunting license when I was 12 and bought my first 30-30 lever action rifle from money earned from working in the hay fields East of Paris that summer. It was actually a pretty good job. I drove a white army jeep pulling a rake behind. All my friends thought I was pretty lucky and I guess I was. Even though I was only 12 I had several years on tractors and other equipment and was able to do a good job for my first employer.

Back to the local deer hunt. It was a community affair. I especially remember trucks going through the community and picking up everyone that wanted to go. Usually that occured on Saturday. Once in the area of possible deer locations drives would be organized and shooters would be placed in strategic spots. Most of these days resulted in successful hunts. It was also fun sitting around the camp fires in between drives and listening to the stories that were told and eating food brought from home. As I look back on it it still remains as some of the most memorable times of my life.

At this point in my life I don't believe I could shoot a deer but in those days deer meat was food for winter. The deer was cut into quarters or as needed and hung on the outside of the house where it remained frozen all winter and was used as need. Later we dug out the basement and had a large freezer placed in it which eliminated the need for hanging the deer meet out side.

I found out that the older and wiser adults on the deer hunts always figured out how to get the younger members of the hunt to do the driving and they would do the shooting, Oh well still fun. Dad was an excellent hunter a very good shot and always took care of me. My last hunt with him was on a leave from my Air Force duties. He picked out a place where he knew the deer would run out if they were in a grove of trees. He went above the grove of trees and started yelling and throwing rocks. Shortly the deer came bounding out of the grove. I stood up and started shooting. Three ran out and three were taken home. We had the tags for all three but I don,t know where they came from. I remember Dad saying "it's a good thing that a dozen didn't run out." He was fun to go hunting with but he could out walk me any day. I miss those occasions with him.

I just had a thought that I may have already told this storey --If so I'm sorry, but it kind of goes with the territory these days.

by Ellis

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Mysterious Pea Pods

About a week ago I planted a small garden out at Alison and Ammon's place.  I must be getting old or maybe there is some other message waiting for me that I have not yet learned.  It seems like these day the slightest and seemingly insignificant activity cause a flood of memories to come over me and I find myself reflecting on things in my past and in my future much more deeply than I did in younger years.  As I planted the garden I couldn't help but think of the many gardens I helped plant as a young lad in Lanark.  We had a rather large garden, I'm guessing maybe about a quarter of an acre.  That may not seem very large, but when it is a planted and cared for by the sweat of the brow, it sometimes seemed immense, at least to me.  Gardening in in the Bear Lake Valley is always a risky venture, but it was even more so back in the so-called good old days.  We were always concerned about frosts that might wipe out the garden unexpectedly anytime up until July.  It has been said that there are only two seasons in Bear Lake, Winter and the Fourth of July.  That may be stretching it a little, but I'm sure you get the point.  Winters are long and summers are short.  This played a major role in helping us make a selection of seeds to plant.  We always planted, peas, carrots, and potatoes.  These were not planted just for a taste of fresh vegetables as they began to mature during the summer, but were rather intended to be canned/bottled and preserved for use by the family during the long winters.  It was for that reason that the garden was rather large.  I especially loved the fresh peas right out of the pod.  Often I would go tot the garden when no one was around and help myself to these tasty, little, green peas.  Sometimes I would go out and do it before they were ready to be picked, or probably the main concern here was that the peas filled more bottles when they were mature.  One day mother caught me in the garden feasting on the young peas.  She came over to where I was and gently, but firmly impressed upon my mind, that I shouldn't pick the peas.  Several days later, she was in the garden pea patch again and she noticed a very strange phenomenon.  Many of the pea pods were hanging on the vine but mysteriously the peas had all been stripped from them and they were hanging there empty.  It didn't take a very long investigation to realize that I had been strictly obedient to her admonition of a few days earlier not to pick the peas.  Yes, I was the culprit and was given more explicit instructions for the future. I have often thought about this experience as I have gone through life, being admonished from time to time by others who have been in a position to give me guidance.  Since then I have tried to follow the spirit of the law as well as the letter of the law without trying to find excuses or rationalizing to suit my own fancy.  It seems like such a little thing, but in reality a very important lesson for life.
       Of course we grew other things as well, radishes, turnips, Swiss chard, and a few other hardy vegetables, but in the short summer month around Lanark, Idaho such staples as corn, beans,  tomatoes,and squash were considered to be too risky for the most part.  The killing frosts often came before the summer months were past and we learned to live with this inconvenience and take advantage of the things we knew would generally do well in our area.
       I remember Dad and Mom tried several different garden sites, mostly in an attempt to find a place not quite so prone to early and late frosts as we were on the little knoll where our home was located.  One was up on the hill next to the canal on the Lyme Hymas farm which we rented for many years while most of us were growing up.  This spot had the added advantage of being very close to the canal where irrigation water could be easily obtained.  I remember mother packing a lunch and hiking up the hill where she would stay most of the day tending the garden.  It was hard work, but she seemed to like the solitude and the chance to be outdoors in nature doing something useful.  I never heard her complain about this task and even recall being there on the hill with her and singing some of the songs we had learned earlier in Primary.  These are fond memories for me now.
      All of this caring and working with the garden led to even more work when it came time to harvest and can the produce.  How well I remember the bushel baskets full of peas ready for shelling and the carrots needing a good wash.  More importantly, I now reflect upon the love with which the labor was performed, that we might have food on the table and not have to go hungry.  I'm sure I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have then, but now as I reflect on those times and all that work, I am more aware of the sacrifice our parents made to provide for us and gratitude wells up in my own soul as I plant a few seeds of my own and give thanks for the bounties that were provided then and now.

By Bart

Monday, May 30, 2011

Childhood Musings

Thoughts on My Early Years

Bart Hymas Eborn - The Early Years

While the world was still teetering on the edge of the Great Depression and the rumblings of war were growing louder and louder in Europe and Asia, far removed from threats of the impending world calamities, a baby boy was born to Darrell and Edna Hymas Eborn. It was May 29, 1940. The birth was not a typical birth even by the standards of this remote region at the time. My parent's, Darrell and Edna Eborn, were living in a small two-room cabin on a small farm in Lanark, Bear Lake County, Idaho, that they had purchased from a Depression-stressed landholder during this time of severe economic hardship, which reached from the cities of America, to the Dust Bowl of Kansas and Oklahoma, to the fruit orchards of California and the cotton fields of the Old South even into the remotest corners of America, such as the Bear Lake Valley, which straddled the Utah-Idaho state line near Idaho's most southeastern corner. Spring comes late to this Rocky Mountain Valley, which lies at an elevation of nearly 6000 feet above sea level, but by late May the snow had gone and the grass was green and on that day covered with a profusion of bright yellow dandelions. The birth of the child was immanently awaited that day, as the young mother had already begun to feel the early signs of childbirth.

The morning chores were done and Darrell, my father, knowing that there was much work to be done in cleaning the long irrigation ditches, which brought the precious water to his otherwise dusty acres prepared to cross the nearby slough and go to work with some of the other farmers, who shared the same ditches. Before he left the cabin though, he gave his beloved wife a kiss and told her to hang a white dish towel on the back door of the cabin if she needed him. Just after the sun reached midpoint in its traverse across the clear blue sky, Darrell noticed the towel hanging on the cabin door. He excused himself and ran, shovel in hand, the quarter mile to the cabin, where he found Edna experiencing the severe pains of child birth. They had not planned to have a doctor's services, since they could ill afford it, but as mentioned before this was not to be an ordinary birth. After what seemed like hours of agonizing pain, with no progress toward delivery, Darrell recognized that some help needed to be summoned. At about this same moment, Uncle Harlan, who lived up the lane about a quarter of a mile showed up in his recently purchased vehicle. There was no telephone service, and Darrell asked his brother to please go to Paris, Idaho, a distance of about six miles, as quickly as he could and see if he could find Dr. Spencer Rich, the nearest doctor, who could lend assistance. Harlan tore off down the lane leaving a cloud of dust billowing up behind his car, as he headed south toward Paris. Just before reaching the doctor's office the car overheated and stalled. Harlan jumped out and ran the remaining distance to the doctor's office. Luckily the Doctor was there and he and Uncle Harlan jumped in the doctor's car and sped off in the direction of Lanark, where the young mother continued to struggle simultaneously for birth and life, for herself and her yet unborn child. The doctor quickly ascertained that the child was breached and could not be born without help. First he administered Ether to the exhausted mother and after a time he was successful in turning the baby and it was delivered. I remember mother telling me, that "the Ether made her hands and arms feel just like old Popeye's." According to my father's words: the baby, a boy, was dark blue when he was born, and it was feared that perhaps neither mother nor child would live. Prayers were offered and blessings pronounced and after what seemed to be an eternity a more normal coloring developed in the eight and one-half pound baby boy and the young mother stopped bleeding and began to stabilize. Several hours passed and after both mother and son were stabilized and it appeared things would be alright the exhausted doctor left, and was replaced by my Uncle Harlan's wife, Agnes, who watched over and cared for the the newborn son and his mother. It was decided, that the child's name would be Bart Hymas Eborn. The middle name was Edna's maiden name. Bart joined a three-year old brother as the second son in this young family. You may wonder how I know this earliest part of my history. It was told to me in later years by my mother and I have never forgotten it, nor have I ever ceased to give thanks for the miracle of my birth and the life of my mother. It was a very difficult birth, even a miracle birth, considering the circumstances.

I have often wondered why it turned out as it did. According to our family's belief, if a child dies before the age of accountability (age eight) that child is immediately taken home to our Father in Heaven and dwells in the Celestial Kingdom. Those who live beyond that day are required to prove their faithfulness through all the rest of life's experiences. And so I go through the remainder of my days, joyfully, with the blessed assurance, that I have a Father in Heaven, who has created me and preserved my life, that I might, in my own way, glorify Him and extend His glory through my own family and my service to others. I am grateful to my mother and father for recounting the events of my birth and counseling me as to the purpose of my life.
Their words and example have left an indelible impression on my mind and soul.

Young Childhood

I don't suppose, I'm much different than most other people, when it comes to remembering the very earliest years of life. The circumstances of my birth were told to me by my mother and we both reminisced often about what might have been and what was now to be. As for the earliest years, however, there are but a few vivid memories and I find it difficult to pinpoint the exact year of their happening.

The above photograph was taken when I was one year old. I'm sure I was a year and some months, but I don't know exactly how many months. So for as I know it is the earliest picture of me in existence. A look at this picture, I think, speaks volumes about those earliest months of my life and my development after the frightening experiences of my birth. It show that, despite the hard times, I was loved and cared for. It shows that I had been nourished sufficiently to grow at a normal rate. The bright eyes and the smile tell me that my mother and father took good care of me and that they loved me. There is much to be learned from a picture, if we will just take the time and reflect on what stories it might tell. There is an old Chinese saying which says: " A picture is worth a thousand words. I really believe this is true and hope that any of you, who read this will take some time and contemplate the stories behind the pictures. The writing under the picture. "1 yr old Bart" was written by my mother.

As mentioned, I was born to a young farm couple and my earliest childhood recollections, generally have to do with family and things that were common around the farm, but noteworthy to a young and inquisitive child, such as I was. I remember the farm animals and some of the conditions of home and farm that made impressions on me at a rather tender age, though I don't remember my exact age at the time. The picture of me watching the baby pigs as they ate, is the second photograph of me that is in my possession. The caption on the back of the photo says that I was three years old. I remember being fascinated with animals and many aspects of nature, which were so abundant on the farm. My father and mother had a few milk cows, as can be seen in the picture. I remember watching Dad milk them by hand and squirting milk at me from the cows teats as I watched. We always had a few pigs and some chickens.The rules of economics were rather simple in this part of the world when I was growing up.
In later years, I remember my Dad talking about an elderly neighbor, David Orr, who explained what it took to sustain a family in our little corner of the world at the time. He said: "You have to have two cows for every kid." I think that simplified it a little too much, even for that age and place, but it does remind us that, the basics are rather simple and that people can get by with very little if they really have to. There are times, now that I am older, that I wonder if the "good old days" really were better. Life was definitely much simpler and less stressful in many ways. People worked hard. They worked together and they, for the most part, they enjoyed one another.

For the first six years of my life we called a little two-room log cabin home. This photograph is the only existing picture of my birth place. It shows my older brother, Ellis, who was three years older than I was, sitting on the porch by the front door of the house. I have a few very early memories of this place. One of the first was of the numerous ground squirrels around the yard and even under the porch.
I remember distinctly their calls and how they would scurry for cover when someone came near. They were especially numerous, in my recollection, under the clothes lines not far distant from our front door.
I remember a beautiful mountain bluebird that made its nest in a crack in the wall of the house near the front door. It seemed to come every year and find the same spot to nest. I was always intrigued by the little birds.
Some other early memories of our home have to do with the winter seasons, which can be long and bitterly cold in the Bear Lake Valley. I recall my mother tucking Ellis and me into our beds with a large warm rock that had been heated in the oven of the wood burning stove, then wrapped in a blanket and lovingly placed in our bed before we went to sleep for the night. It was a surprisingly good idea and helped to keep us warm on the bitter cold nights. Our bed was heavily covered with quilts my mother had made, mostly from scraps of worn out clothing, and together with the hot rock kept us snug and warm. The room itself often became very cold during the winter nights. I remember mother bringing us a glass of water on several occasions when we were thirsty after we had gone to bed. She would then leave the half filled glass of water on a small night stand next to our bed. On more than one occasion, I remember waking in the morning to find the water in the glass had turned to ice. Our small cabin home was located on a little knoll and was exposed to the fierce winter winds and blizzards, which came during the winter months. On one occasion, I remember getting out of bed in the morning and stepping in a small drift of snow on the bedroom floor caused by the wind sifting the snow through a small crack near the floor in the north wall of the cabin bedroom. Looking back I wonder how we survived, but what I remember most were the smiles, the laughter, the home-made bread and the feeling of security there with my parents and my brother and later a little sister, all happily living in two small rooms.
One other story about the cabin home we lived in was related to me by my father. When he purchased the farm in 1937 it had only one building on it, the two-room log cabin where I was born, but it was located in the field nearly a quarter of a mile from the nearest road of any kind. Dad and Mother wanted to live a little closer to civilization so it was determined that they would move the house across the slough and then several hundred yards further next to the dirt road which has now become known as Lanark Lane. On some maps I have even seen it labeled "Eborn Road". Dad secured the help of many neighbors, each of whom brought their team of horses, and after the cabin was jacked up and placed on wooden runners, hooked to the home and using real "horse power" the home was moved to the spot where I was to be born. There was no water, so Dad dug a well with a shovel and his own two hands. This well served us for several years. There was no bathroom facilities in the house, and so, like most other people of the time a wooden outhouse was built north of our home at a distance of maybe twenty-five or thirty yards. Very vividly do I remember tearing another page from an outdated Sear-Roebuck Catalog to wipe my rear end. One thing I do not remember at our home was our parents complaining or murmuring about what now were are perceived as obviously very primitive living conditions.

This is the first family photo taken of our little family, which by then consisted of Mom and Dad, my older brother Ellis, myself, and by this time a cute baby sister, Brenda. The cabin home in the background was the home of our neighbors, John and Elsie Roberts and their six children.
Our cabin home looked much like this one. This picture also shows another major reason for going to the great effort to move the home across the slough to a location near the road, electric lines which were relatively new in this part of the country at the time, though all electricity was used for in our home was to power two small light bulbs, one in each room. I remember also the constant struggle to find firewood, not only to keep us warm during the cold of winter, but also to cook three meals a day and to heat our bath and wash water. Most often the men in Lanark would get the wood out of the mountains during the early winter months when there was less to do on the farm, but also when the snow made transporting the loads of wood by horse drawn sleigh easier. The men of the town would often work at his project together and then would take a community saw from place to place where the men would saw up their own firewood and then move on to the neighbor's place to do the same for him, and so it went until all the community firewood needs for the winter and into the next summer had been met.
by Bart